What is it about? |
Derrexi Tzelan, eldest daughter of one of Solerne's top Noble Houses, arrives to the city of Beldatz under orders from the Empress. Her mission, as she is aware of it, is to train a detachment of Hawk Maidens, an elite female warrior order, from the local girls in preparation for the Festival of New Dawn. What she does not know is that she is to be the wildcard in the struggle between the city's political and supernatural factions, a conflict that unbeknownst to its players, has a deep relationship to the spiritual well-being of the Empire. Derrexi will find many allies and foes, both hidden and in plain view, as she strives to understand herself and the nature of the gods of Nahast and their eternal war. Personal quests, epic destinies, and ancient secrets come together as ordinary people are thrust into extraordinary circumstances. You can browse the story scene by scene in the Archives page! If you want to learn about the characters and the world of Nahast, you can visit the following guide pages.
Who's behind it? |
I'm a writer at heart and after a long line of jobs in different industries in different capacities, the best description for my trade would be "content developer". Born and raied in Mexico, I live in Mexico City, affectionately called "Mexichaos City", "Smogico City" or "Federal Detritus", depending on your experience. I spent most of my childhood in the northern state of Chihuahua, which borders the U.S., so speaking English was a bit of a necessity for those holiday shopping trips across the border. I learned the language through a combination of formal classes and informal practice as my father brought home untranslated movies taped from a friend's satellite dish and I consumed American books and magazines on my favorite topics: fantasy and science fiction, which at the time had very scarse offerings in Spanish. During that time, I discovered a neat little thing called Dungeos & Dragons, which caught my attention, my time and my imagination, and marked my life as I became a full-blown role-player, one of the first in my country, I imagine. One of the best jobs I've ever had was as a staff writer for roleplaying games publisher Mongoose Publishing in 2002, but left on 2004 to pursue a career as a freelancer, while looking for stable income. So, whether I work as an ISP ad copy writer, interface designer, journalist, magazine editor, proofreader and currently a translator, I've always devoted some time to RPG writing, having written for companies like White Wolf, Green Ronin,Fantasy Flight Games, and the defunct Guardians of Order, and recently even Wizards of the Coast. I started drawing as a hobby since I had very little access to fantasy illustrations and hungered for visual input for the books I managed to read... which were not easy to find either, as I lived in a very small city as a child, with only two good bookstores. I started trying to copy Larry Elmore from his illustrations in my D&D books, but then I discovered the Conan comics, which were luckily published in a translated and actually affordable version by a Mexican publisher. Now, Mexico, having no local animation industry, imported all animated programming from abroad, and I was exposed to anime from very early on, although I did not realize how good it could be until I met true anime fans in college, which exposed me to shows that would never arrive to Western shores until much later (and I still would have to import the VHS tapes and later DVDs from the U.S.). And when I stumbled on the works of Masamune Shirow, my fate was sealed and anime became another big influence on my artistic style. Likes: the fantastic genre, from fantasy to horror and science fiction. Animation from all around the world, although the japanese are the best at it. The usual: comics, music, videogames... but I also love a good anthropological study and The Discovery Channel is amongst the only things I see when I turn the TV. I hardly turn down a religious or political debate. Yes; I'm a geek :) While I'm normally insanely busy, I try to always answer mail, so feel free to contact me at nahast AT coyotzin DOT net, or you can follow me in social media in Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and DeviantArt. |