The Wheel of Ages | Above & Below | The People| The Land

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Above and Below |
The Powers created Nahast as a single world, but the endless turning of the Wheels of Ages brought change and movement, and the world has split. Surrounding the world of mortals are the Dreamlands, often called the Spirit World. The dreams of men, beasts, mountains and elements come alive in this world, but sometimes it is the dreams beget their physical expression. The relationship between the physical world and the Dreamlands goes both ways, one feeding the other. The Dreamlands are the place where magic comes from, whether its origin is the spirits, the gods, knowledge or sheer resonance. The Dreamlands are many things to many people, but they are a layer of reality that shelters Nahast from the war that never ceases in the heavens. The gods build their mansions from the matter of Dream, and set them far from the reach of mortal matters. Their realms are like branches in an eternal tree, and mortals who dream themselves into a journey can sometimes visit them. Each of these branches is a world upon itself, tailored by the resident deity to suit his or her divine needs. But as balance is one of the driving principles of Nahast, the Dreamlands have a mirror beneath the world of mortals. Where the Dreamlands buzz alive with energy and host the living dreams of Nahast's peoples, the Region of the Dead are the barren wasteland where dreams, as well as everything else, die. But death is a necessary thing, the opposite force that keeps the Wheel of Ages turning, and the Region of the Dead is not a place of evil, but of rest and judgement, sometimes even punishment. While living spirits inhabit the Dreamlands, ghosts are the exclusive denizen of the Region of the Dead. Most of the ghosts are enduring purification, cleansing their souls before they can rejoin the Wheel; others are trapped, unable to find their way and become insane. Powerful souls leave echoes behind, shades of their being that haunt the Region of the Dead, and magic can sometimes bring them back. These shades are not the true souls of their previous owners, but can become powerful beings on their own. |
Demons and the Nine HellsLife and death are part of the eternal cycle of being, and the Dreamlands and the Region of the Dead drive the Wheel of Ages with equal impulse. However, when the world was rent and split by the end of the First Age, one more force was born that would threaten Nahast forever: demons. Demons used to be spirits, dreams of the world that turned into nightmares when the end of an Age cut off their ties to the world. The wound healed quickly by the very nature of the world, but it trapped the hapless exiles in a world that did not move, where nothing died, but nothing was born. The spirits were utterly corrupted, driven insane and twisted beyond recognition. They built the Nine Hells in a mad attempt to give their new home anything resembling uniqueness, but their imagination was broken and they could never build more than nine. They still remember the world that cast them out, and they hate it more than anything. Their only ambition after eons of exile is to return and halt the Wheel of Ages forever, granting it the dubious gift of their immortal and ageless immutability. |
Eternal StrifeThe war in the heavens has been waged since the spirits realized they could devour each other's power to increase their own. With the coming of true gods, this sate of warfare intensified. Being a god in Nahast means being always on the lookout for the next challenger to one's power. Through the turning of the Wheel of Ages, many deities have come and gone. They enjoyed a peak during the Third Age, but minor spirits took their place in the worship of mortals during the Fourth, an Age the gods spent nursing the wounds the end of reptilian civilization and their mutual attacks dealt to them. In the Fifth Age, the gods came up with a series of rules of conduct to avoid destroying each other, as their eternal fighting caused demons to slip through the walls of their prison, once when the spirits almost kill the dragons who guarded the world's integrity, bringing an end to the Second Age; the other was when they channeled too much power into the reptilian priests that waged proxy wars in their name, and almost shatter the world before the Third Age's end saved it, and lastly when they broke the land in a mad attempt to stop the demon worshippers of the Fourth Age. But despite the trappings of civility, the war between the gods is as vicious as ever, and a god's worshippers are all that stands between their divinity and their enemies. The first pantheon was formed by the end of the Demon War, when the gods of the future empires of Solerne and Zergune basked in their victory against the demons and realized this victory came only because they fought together. By different means they chose a leader, and bound their power to each other's and pledged it to the pantheon as a whole. With this they protected themselves from their immediate neighbors, and presented an unassailable front against others. |
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